That small presentation of 150 characters that we see on an Instagram profile claims its space in your marketing strategy: Yes, we are talking about the biography! The obligatory stop before scrolling through a profile , the one that tells the client: This is how we can help you! It will help you give others an idea of what your brand is like, and will be the deciding factor in whether they follow you or not. Therefore, what you write in your Instagram bio must be impressive, cool and concrete , and the following tips will help you achieve it. 8 tips to make an impact with your Instagram biography Project who you are in your description.
Have few characters to tell your potential clients how you can help them and tell the world who you are. Be authentic in your description, don't resort to cliché phrases about your niche and write only what's important: how do you meet the CU Leads needs of your sector? What sets you apart from the rest? What products do you offer? The bio of the unicorn a plant-based food brand - is the ideal example of a summarized Instagram bio with personality. Instagram biography If, on the other hand, it is a personal brand, such as a coach or an expert in some discipline who wants to transmit their knowledge and publicize.

Their services, the bio should do something more personal and first provide the solution to some problem of your potential clients. The following example shows the profile of an obstetrician who: Clarify your specialty, first of all. Specify how you can help your potential clients. Enter your contact information. It's brief and uses emojis (it has personality). Don't forget that you can also list your list of products or services, or place the 3 or 4 most notable ones of your business. Likewise, if your business starts to grow, you can skip some rules and just place a phrase in your Instagram biography that reflects your entire brand personality.