The mistake would be, in our opinion, to work on the optimization of titles, texts and other "hot zones" without having at the same time thought about the quality of the content itself. We strongly emphasize this point because it is truly essential. In addition, the SEO profession is also moving in this direction since the Panda and Penguin antispam filters were launched by Google: quality of content and backlinks must be there and at the heart of your visibility strategy! Indeed,
If good optimization will allow you to attract people to your pages via the engines, this is not what will make Internet users stay on your site, carry out one or more concrete actions, come back, or which will Hong Kong Phone Number make making word of mouth work to bring other people in, etc. It is the content that you will offer online that will make the difference between effective, targeted traffic and sterile traffic. Bringing a prospect into an empty store doesn't do much good.
It is also the quality of what you offer online that will make the difference in terms of the links that will be created towards your source of information. And you will quickly realize that the backlink is today the “killer application” (our English-speaking friends speak of killer application) of SEO. We are convinced that the best possible SEO is the one which allows, through good and loyal optimization of the pages, to make the site better known, to highlight it and to give visibility to quality content.