to drive them through the marketing funnel. But why should you care about inbound marketing? Inbound prospect conversion rates are about 33% higher than their outbound counterparts. Inbound lead acquisition costs are about 70% lower than outbound leads. Small businesses that implement inbound marketing generate 126% more leads than those that don’t. As you can see inbound marketing is a powerful business tool. There are several inbound frameworks
you can follow, but one of the most popular is the Engagement Attraction Rich People Phone Number List method. Here’s how this inbound strategy works: Attract. The first step in this strategy is to create useful content and distribute it to your target audience. For example you can create blog posts, social posts or write guest blogs. At this point the content should be primarily informational and help your audience solve their problems. Participate in the conversation Once the prospect has shared
their letter with you, they move on to the second step. The main difference between this step and the first step is that the content is more specific. For example, pull content can cover topics such as "What is X?" or “Benefit of Y” and engaging content might be “How XYZ CRM improves your conversion rate”. The content is still useful but is more focused on business solutions and is designed to convert prospects into customers. The final step in seduce is to enable your