Classification and subclassification In this part, you must determine the appropriate classification for your service. We said before that there are general classifications of services and there are special classifications that fall under each general classification. When you choose any general classification on the right side, its sub-classifications will appear on the left side, taking into account that in the sub-classifications there is a classification called Other.
This means that your service falls directly under the Telegram Number Data general classification, but no sub-classification applies to it. Service description The service description is the element on which the buyer's decision is based, because it is supposed to contain all the details about your service, so you must write it accurately. These are the most important facts and tips for describing your service on Khamsat: 1. The description of the service is data that you can modify in the future, so it is a great way to make promotional offers in the beginning (displaying more models, for example), and once the service is successful, you can modify the description (such as reducing the models that you provide).
A specific period for implementation, and also specify precisely what you will provide, how many, the amount, and other matters that make your service description flawless or devoid of any ignorance. 3. If your service description is specific and accurate, then you have crossed the hurdle of service rejection due to its lack of clarity, which is a serious point and leads to the rejection of many services on Khamsat. 4. Create a unique and distinctive description of your service, not a copied description. 5. The description of your service must be linguistically correct, especially if you provide a writing and blogging service. 6. Try to write a brief description of your service, without any filler, without prejudice to the standard of clarification and correct expression of what you will provide.