Catalog tab or when creating an ad group directly in order to use Pixel or MMP signals for more intelligent targeting you must connect an event source to your catalog After creating your catalog you can attach Pixels and Apps this must be done before launch If the event source is not attached you will not be able to launch a campaign with a target audience You will be able to leverage audience prospecting however we highly recommend using event sourcing for more effective and relevant product targeting If you havent created a Snap Pixel yet learn more
here If you havent created your own Snap App ID learn more here Check if your Pixel phone is ready Go to the Pixel tab in your desired ad account to check your Pixel diagnosis Your pixel is ready If it receives the necessary pixel events Australia WhatsApp Number content view page view add cart purchase and can match item IDs from these events to your catalog above your pixel is ready to go Your pixel is up and running but has a low match rate If it receives the necessary pixel events content view page view add cart purchase and the item IDs from these events are able to match to
your catalog but only between your pixel is up and running at a rate of Low match Your pixel is not ready If it does not receive the necessary pixel events or cannot match item IDs from these events to your catalog less than your pixel will not be ready Learn more about pixel troubleshooting Build dynamic ads In Ads Manager click the menu in the top corner select Create ads then Advanced creation Once youre in the creation flow set a Sales Catalog campaign goal Under the Campaign Setting section the Dynamic Ads toggle will default to On You will see a field that allows you to select the catalog you want to use.