Discuz! Board

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This redesign has allowed us to better match









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發表於 2024-3-5 11:22:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
We can personalise nurturing to the information given by the prospect (their position, interests…), their behaviour (browsing history), and their position in the sales funnel. In this way, we use the best of automation without its disadvantages: no content sent if it has already been read, no off-target articles… Just a real personalised discussion, as if a marketer was behind each person browsing our content.

Automate your newsletter to focus on content One of the best ways to showcase Phone Number Data our tone, our approach to marketing and to keep in touch with our prospects is our newsletter. In our case, it’s automated: the smart block of the Plezi editor fetches the latest published articles directly.UK newsletter The rest of the newsletter (header and titles) are saved in the Plezi editor. This time saving allows us to focus only on the content and what we want to tell in each new newsletter.

We recently redesigned our newsletter: new design and new tone, which is much more like us and is consistent with that used in our other communications (social networks, email campaigns, etc.).  our personality, to stand out from other competing brands, but also to get closer to our users and prospects by creating a meeting.

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