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發表於 2024-3-3 13:48:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Lead generation statistics The end goal of marketing is to earn revenue. But to do that, you first need to drive sales. And to do that, you need to generate leads. Leads are people who have an active interest in your business, products, or services, but aren’t yet ready to convert. To help you generate more leads, here are a few useful stats to keep in mind: 50% of businesses view lead generation as their top marketing priority. 53% of marketers say that over half their budget goes toward lead generation. When you follow up with an online lead within five minutes, you increase their chances of conversion by 900%.

The average conversion rate from leads to customers is Belgium Phone Number Data around 4%. 60% of marketers say that inbound marketing is the best method for generating high-quality leads. 80% of new leads never convert into customers. Outsourcing lead generation can help businesses drive results that are 43% better. 41% of businesses struggle to follow up with leads quickly. 61% of marketers consider lead generation to be their most challenging task. Nurtured leads make purchases that are 47% bigger than non-nurtured ones. Miscellaneous marketing statistics To wrap up our list of marketing stats, we have a handful that didn’t fit perfectly into any of the previous categories.

These cover a variety of random facets of marketing, from review management to mobile apps. marketing facts: 88% of small businesses actively track their online reputation. 27% of the global population shops for products and services online. Around 62% of marketers use a customer relationship management (CRM) platform for their marketing analytics. 82% of consumers still use print ads when deciding what to buy. 72% of customers say they only engage with personalized marketing. 82% of consumers want to buy from companies that share their values. Over 80% of brands use affiliate marketing. 54% of marketers hire freelancers to help build their campaigns.

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