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Because people weren't seeing your video









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發表於 2024-2-28 17:01:13 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
your audience retention, and more. Best practices Get more views Improve impression click-through rate This is a new report that shows you how many people are seeing and clicking on your video on YouTube. YouTube Studio, impression click-through rate And this data is a real gold mine. For what ? Because for the first time you can see if the title, description and thumbnail of your video are convincing. It used to be that if a video wasn't getting a high number of views, you had no idea if it was because of your title.

or just  on YouTube. Today you South Korea WhatsApp Phone Numbers can see if viewability or click-through rate is preventing your video from getting more views. For example, this video generates 359,000 impressions with a CTR of 3.8%: YouTube Studio, impression click-through rate example While there is no “good” or “bad” CTR, this report tells me that this video has the potential to get many more views. Let's say I use a new thumbnail that improves my CTR from 3.8% to 4.8%. I would then get 3,590 additional views per month. Which is far from negligible! Traffic Sources The Traffic Sources report shows you where your views (and watch duration) are coming from: YouTube Studio.

types de sources de trafic What can you do with this information? Double down: If you see that a traffic source is working really well (like SEO ), double down on your efforts in that area. Find fluctuations: Has traffic from Facebook or Twitter decreased? It may be time to change your approach to promoting your videos on these platforms. Uncover untapped channels: Is a large potential traffic source (like suggested videos) only bringing in 10% of your views? In this case, it's probably time to start optimizing (or even creating videos) to rank in the suggested videos.

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