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Really cement them in your long-term memory









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發表於 2024-2-24 18:29:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 piloyniloy09@g 於 2024-2-24 21:56 編輯

quick way to improve your English, for example. Next find achatty podcast in the language you’re learning. Pick a topic you’re interestedin (like film reviews or food), and get used to the natural spoken pace,colloquialisms and natural, unscripted conversation. It’s like having a chatwith friends, without having to reply. Practice and learn regularly The key tolearning any skill properly is consistency. Now you’re starting to get to gripswith the language basics, set aside a regular time in your schedule to sit downand really focus. For at least one hour every day, revise those tricky grammarrules that leave you confused or commit to learning a whole new batch of verbs.Practice them the next day to . Bestrict (a

bit like being on a diet or exercising) – the more effortyou put in, the sooner Pakistan Mobile Number List  you’ll see great results. Tandem Learn Talking out loudis one of the best ways to learn, though it can be tough when you’re still notconfident. With fellow classmates of a similar ability, try tandem languagelearning and talk, practice and improve together – the spoken word will soonfeel more natural. Plus, you’ll make a whole bunch of great new friends, whichis awesome.The English language is a curious melting pot of words from

across the globe, forged through a millennia of invasions,wars, colonial expansion and scientific and cultural developments. Out of anestimated 750,000 words, we’ve already identified the most beautiful, thefunniest and the weirdest – but which English words have the strangest origins?1. Sandwich Sandwiches get their (strange) name from the 4th Earl of Sandwich,an 18th century English politician and nobleman. The circumstances of LordSandwich’s supposed invention of the sandwich is a subject of hot

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