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Dunkin Donuts menu Dunkin Donuts









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What is Digital PR and How Can You Develop anEffective Strategy? Get the latest digital marketing data, insights andtoolkits from DMI Digital Marketing Institute Logo CoursesResourcesArticlesBlogTopicsLessonsToolkitsPresentationsVideosWebinarseBooksPodcastsGlossaryPrivacyTermsMaster GA with our exclusive part Live Webinar series inpartnership with Neil Patel Accel. Kicking off March th. Register Now DigitalMarketing Institute Logo CoursesResources Keyword search... Sign In ViewCourses TrendingArticlesMicro LessonsSkillsTestToolkitsWebinarseBooksPremiumMore ← Back to Articles Feb , Introduction toGraphic Design.

The Design Fundamentals ArticlesWeb Design, CRO and UX byDigital Marketing Institute You don’t need a degree in graphic design to createamazing graphics. What you do need is an understanding of basic graphic designfundamentals to provide a seamless user experience and Find Your Mobile Number List communicate a messageusing visuals or text. In graphic design, there are four fundamentals: Colortheory Imagery Typography Composition In this blog, we’ll look at each of thesefundamentals so you come away with a deeper understanding of graphic design andhow to use it in your marketing. Color Theory Color is a critical element toget right in your designs. It’s used to attract attention, convey meaning, andfor aesthetics. We don’t usually think about the colors we look at; we judgethings quickly as to whether something is desirable, professional, nice, orugly based on its color. The most important thing to think about using colorsis the contrast between them.

Contrast is defined as how well one color standsout from another. For example, you can use contrasting colors within an imageto make text stand out from its background. Complementary colors, such asyellow and purple, or blue and orange, provide maximum contrast with oneanother. Here’s a great example from Dunkin Donuts’ menu using color in a waythat relates to their orange and pink logo. menu Contrast can also be used to guide people’s actions; to let people knowwhat you want them to do. If you want to increase ‘click-through,’ make surethat there’s a strong contrast between the call-to-action button and the restof the design. You can check how colors contrast using a color wheel.

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