Sk ourselves is what are the advantages of capturing solar energy from space instead of doing it from EarthThat is to say. If we are already creating solar farms and filling rooftops with photovoltaic cells what addition does direct solar energy from space offerA representation of how to capture solar energy from space Source Space Energy Initiative A clean unlimite source available at all times The Sun is the best source of energy that we have within our reach. It is one of.
The cleanest although we must not forget that photovoltaic installations also generate cleaning of the solar panels to capture more energy specific repairs maint Phone Number List enance and revisions from time to time All in all the cost benefit It is very high. Too bad we are still far from getting the most out of it. Hence obtaining solar energy from space space solar energy or space-base solar power in EnglishSSP or SBSP serves to get us closer.
To that objective of maximum use. First because from space solar energy is available 24 hours a day. Unlike terrestrial installations which depend on daylight hours and good weather. That is there are no clouds in between. Another advantage is that from space we capture all sunlight. On Earth the atmosphere is responsible for repelling around 30. of that energy. Thanks to this life is possible. In summary. Capturing solar energy from space and directing it to Earth.