First, you need to figure out how to do an internship at a university. The main difficulty is that there are different types of internships and each of them has its own requirements. The easiest way is to do the very first, introductory one - usually students are immediately sent a template according to which they need to fill out a report, and during the internship itself, they are not required to perform professional tasks.
In subsequent years, students undergo industrial practice every summer. It is different in that it provides more knowledge, skills and experience. During this time, young people participate in the work process and are maximally involved in professional activities.
In the last year, everyone undergoes pre-graduation practice, which is necessary for collecting information. As a result, it can be used in your final work to compile its practical part.
There are also such types of practice as research practice for master's and postgraduate students, creative practice for students in creative fields, and pedagogical practice for future teachers.
So, how to do an internship at a university - for the entire period set by the university, come to the enterprise, study and perform the tasks set by the manager. And what is no less important - after completing the internship, the student must draw up a report in which he describes in detail the results of his internship.
With the Anti-antiplagiat.rf service, writing a practice mobile app development service report becomes even easier! The site offers a wide variety of services that allow you to simplify and speed up the process of writing any written work - coursework, article, diploma, report, etc.
The service specialists are ready to help with the design of your report according to GOST. They can also make a professional author's rewrite of the text, as well as increase the uniqueness of the work by coding the document. In addition, on the site you can get a report from the Antiplagiat VUZ teaching system. This will allow you to find out the exact indicators of the originality of your text. This means that the results of the university check will not be a surprise to you.
02 Why do you need a practice report?
First of all, it is important to understand why an internship report is needed. Students need to understand their motivation for completing an internship. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get good results, the task will be perceived more as something formal and not very important.
Internship is a procedure that benefits the students themselves. Thanks to this type of internship, you can easily find a job, get a job offer and establish yourself as a potential specialist. We talked about this in more detail in the article " What is an internship characteristic ?"
During their internship, students learn about the specifics of their profession, gain new knowledge, skills, and experience. They write about how their internship went, what they did, and what results they achieved in their reports. All documentation is checked by the internship supervisor from the university. This way, he or she can evaluate the work done by the student. The content of the report can tell a lot about how the internship went, how seriously the student took it, and whether the initial goals were achieved.
Thus, we have explained why an internship report is needed. It allows the teacher-internship supervisor from the university to evaluate the results of the work done by the student. In addition, we have told about the reasons why it is so important for students to undergo internship. Perhaps these arguments will help you find motivation to achieve higher results.