There is still no single understanding of what the metaverse is: some call it the digital world, some call it a video game, and some, in a broader interpretation, talk about an alternative reality into which we will increasingly immerse ourselves over time, futurologist and managing partner of MINDSMITH Ruslan Yusufov told RSpectr.
One of the versions of the concept of "metaverse" was defined by Matthew Ball:
The metaverse is a 3D version of the internet and information technology
From a technical and legal perspective, everything is more prosaic: metaverses are information systems that work in conjunction with hardware and software systems (HSS), noted content writing service Alena Gerashchenko, a lawyer in the field of digital law and information security, a lecturer at the Department of Digital Technology Law and Biolaw at the Faculty of Law at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, in an interview with RSpectr.
the metaverse as an ecosystem implies the presence of an increased level of information security, as well as data privacy rules
Each of the created digital platforms lives by its own rules. The process has not yet been standardized, and this is still ahead, says Oleg Bosenko, Director of the Cybersecurity Directorate at IBS Group.
Metaverses may have different rules for the privacy of user data, but often such rules are spelled out in the user agreement or privacy policy of the platform, added Viktor Gulevich, director of the T1 Integration information security competence center.
According to the head of the information security department at SearchInfom, Alexey Drozd,
metaverses are the same social networks
“Accordingly, the privacy rules in metaverses are either completely or partially identical to those used in social networks,” he believes.
Large companies creating their own metaverses (such as Meta* with Horizon Worlds) are required to comply with international and national data protection laws, such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in the EU or the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) in California, emphasized Yuri Slastin, founder of the XR agency LikeVR.
In Russia, confidential data is protected by Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” recalled Pavel Katkov, founder of the law firm Future Legal.
A digital account is, first and foremost, an obligation, a contractual relationship that binds the account owner and the service owner, said Alena Gerashchenko. In her opinion,