Aconstitutional provisions of art. paragraph and because the law clearly defines what is meant by the notion of penalty provided by law following that if necessary appeal to judicial interpretation or qualified legal assistance. In this sense taking into account the principle of general applicability of laws the Strasbourg Court held that their wording cannot present absolute precision. One of the standard regulatory techniques is to resort to general categories rather than exhaustive lists.
Thus many laws use by force of nature more or less vague formulas Country Email List whose interpretation and application depend on practice. However clearly a legal rule may be drafted in any legal system there is an inevitable element of judicial interpretation including in a rule of criminal law Judgment of November pronounced in the Case of SW v. the United Kingdom paragraph Judgment of May pronounced in the Case of Dragotoniu and MilitaruPidhorni v. Romania paragraphs and Judgment of February pronounced in the Case of Kafkaris v. Cyprus paragraph and Judgment of October pronounced in the Case of Del Rio Prada v. Spain paragraphs and.
In conclusion the Court finds that the exception of unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. of the Criminal Code of and art. of the Criminal Code is unfounded. . Regarding the exception of unconstitutionality of the provisions of art. para. from Law no. regarding the denomination of the national currency the author claims that the constitutional provisions of art. paragraph and regarding the rule of law and respect for the art. para. regarding the adoption of laws. . Thus it was shown that the last material act of the continued crime of complicity in abuse of office against public interests held against the defendant in the case was.