Your cold calling agents are usually the most customer-facing members of the team. Customers expect them to have all the necessary knowledge. Nothing erodes a team member’s confidence in their abilities more than constantly checking facts or reporting to superiors. A good call center agent will know every detail and nuance of your product or service and be able to call upon that knowledge on the fly, quickly and accurately. Every question they can’t answer is another nail in the coffin of a potential sale and hurts the customer experience. The Ability to Listen and Not Just Hear Nothing kills a sale faster than a prospect feeling like their questions are not being answered or being misunderstood.
A good salesperson not only hears them in the context of the customer's company and your solution. They will ensure that the prospect or customer is completely satisfied that their concerns were addressed and that they provided a top-notch customer service experience. Fortunately this is something you can measure as early as the interview stage. Does customer support candidate actually listen and answer your questions or are they just waiting Email Marketing List to speak again? Resilience and positivity When problems arise cold calls can be harsh and brutal. Rejection of rudeness and failure is often the norm rather than the exception. It takes mental strength and a lot of motivation to continue completing the list of call center responsibilities.
You looking for the type of contact center person who has the rare ability to stay positive in the face of adversity, a candidate who can keep working no matter what. The balance of autonomy and teamwork It's a bit like walking a tightrope because these two qualities may seem like polar opposites but with a little effort you can create the perfect balance. You want your call center customer service representatives to be able to work to a high standard and handle high volume of calls without supervision whilst also being willing to share their experience knowledge and solutions with the wider team. Attention to Detail The finer details are often where you lose sales opportunities. If a prospect or customer has made their needs clear and wants to ask your sales agent then they won’t have to repeat them later.