That a given website can use. In most cases these restrictions are introduced in the form of security parameters such as: permissible CPU load allowable RAM consumption by the service maximum RAM consumption for one script maximum execution time of the PHP process. The safe minimum for a store is CPU cores and GB RAM. Remember however that in the case of shared hosting these are not resources that you receive exclusively but the maximum load that your website can generate during periods of increased traffic. For process execution time seconds should be sufficient.
If a single script takes so long to execute it often means that its performance should be optimized in some way. The maximum RAM consumption for a single script rarely exceeds MB in WordPress. There are of course exceptions to these rules each store is photo retouching slightly different but if the limits indicated above are not sufficient it is worth considering whether a shared server is really the right choice. Also remember that security of a given server machine and you equally. Support In various situations related to the functioning of the website you may need the support of the hosting company.
He can walk among others: for the previously mentioned backup restoration provision and assistance in analyzing server logs or simply minor assistance in configuring e.g. the domain's DNS zone. When choosing hosting check what help you can count on as part of free support what support channels are available (telephone chat or maybe just the option to create a ticket) and what hours this support will be available. Last but not least what else to pay attention to In addition to the key features described above those that should be emphasized the most in our experience there are several other factors that you can pay attention to when analyzing and choosing hosting.